Eukalyptus - natural 100% pure essential oil 10ml

Eukalyptus - natural 100% pure essential oil 10ml
Eukalyptus - natural 100% pure essential oil 10ml
Eukalyptus - natural 100% pure essential oil 10ml
Eukalyptus - natural 100% pure essential oil 10ml
Eukalyptus - natural 100% pure essential oil 10ml
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Latin name: Eucalyptus globulus
Application: Due to its antibacterial, expectorant, antiviral and antifungal effects it can be used for a wide range of respiratory problems. Because of its anti-rheumatic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects it is recommended for the treatment of respiratory tract problems, skin infections and urinary tract related issues.
It relieves breathing, therefore it is also recommended in case of respiratory complaints.
Due to its cooling effect it is also widely used as a component of products used for sports injuries and musculoskeletal diseases. It relaxes the muscles and joints.
Mental effects: improves concentration and mood, reduces fatigue.
Warning: In concentrated form it can cause respiratory problems in small children, so it should be avoided.
Packaging: 10 ml
Production: Produced by steam distillation from the plant's leaves and branches.
Composition, active ingredients: cineol, pinen, limonen, para-cimen, globulol
Neuston Healthcare
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